Infra-Red Telescope (IRTS)

Images (a) and (b) below show the IRTS in the clean room at ISAS, just before optical examination. The three largest impact features found on the SFU were all located on the IRTS. 

Image (c) shows the largest impact of all, about 5 mm in diameter as measured from the Teflon delamination edge (where the upper Teflon layer is stripped away from the underlying silver paint), and located on the Teflon thermal control blanket of IRTS. Image (d) is a close-up of the central part of the crater, focussing on the central Teflon hole. This is a typical characteristic of large impacts in this material.

All features were excised after optical imaging, and were submitted to chemical analysis.  Contrary to our expectations, no significant residues were detected.

Too few impacts were located on the IRTS to provide a flux curve. At any rate, its complicated shape would not have allowed a simple conversoin to a flat-plate flux. Instead we have given you a qualititative description of what we found.

| PLU-1 | PLU-2 | PLU-4 | SPLU-1 | SPLU-2 | BSU-1 |

| BSU-2 | Scuff plates | IRTS | SEM | EFFU | 2DHV | Solar arrays |