Hypervelocity Impacts

Hypervelocity impacts have been studied for a number of years both on the ground through such systems as light gas guns, particle accelerators, plasma drag guns, rail guns and also hydrocode computer simulations. In addition the hypervelocity impact phenomena is readily seen as a natural event on orbiting spacecraft and interplanetary spacecraft where particles can impact a spacecraft with velocities ranging from 300m/s to 70km/s.

When studying the impact sites located on the SFU SSM (second surface mirrors) it was clear that they could defined into 4 categories dependant upon morphology. These categories were designated:

To understand the reasons for this classification the SSM structure needs to be understood.
Figure 1 Cross section of SSM

The structure for PLU SSM is shown in figure 1, not to scale. The various layers, as labelled in the figure, are:

Figure 2 Impact parameters

A typical impact is shown in Fig. 2 with the definitions of the various parameters labeled as follows:

Type A

Figure 3:  Example of Type A impact

Type A is characterised as:

Type B

Figure 4:  Example of Type B impact

Type B is characterised as:

This looks very much like Type A but with a delamination ring present.

Type C

Figure 5:  Example of Type C impact

Type C is characterised as:

Type D

Figure 6:  Example of Type D impact

Type D is characterised as:

These impacts have typically perforated the upper Teflon layer, and blown away the silver coating, revealing the aluminium structure beneath, as Fig. 6 shows.

| PLU-1 | PLU-2 | PLU-4 | SPLU-1 | SPLU-2 | BSU-1 |

| BSU-2 | Scuff plates | IRTS | SEM | EFFU | 2DHV | Solar arrays |